The story: The Ayala Young Leaders Alliance- Cebu Chapter (AYLA-Bai) organized it's second Cebu Young Leaders Summit which was successfully held at CREMDEC last May. I meant to write about it a long time ago but I just never gave in to the urge until now.
We worked for over seven months to finally put this together and when all has been said and done, nothing less is left than that of gratitude. Thank you to all the partners (SK, RAFI and AFI) for being with us all the way. I thank the sponsors, both minor and major, for their assistance that went a long, long way. And most importantly, I am grateful for the presence of the TEAM and of the participants that made the experience very meaningful for me.
As we went home after the event, Chelle and I had a very interesting conversation. She shared how some of the people she knew asked her why she has not "graduated" from organizing events like these. Chelle shared that being with the people in this organization and having events like these help keep her grounded.
I could not help but reflect from these lines she shared. There are times when I ask myself and wonder why I get involved into these kinds of things while many student-leaders-turned-young- professionals let this go and "move on" with their lives. But as soon as these thoughts come to me, I remember the days I spent in Cavite in AYLC. I remember the days and nights I spent working with my org-mates in the different events we spearheaded and worked in. Well, I don't remember all of them. I remember moments. Every time I remember these moments, I get to live them again. Living them again reminds me of why I got myself into these things in the first place.
I want to make a difference.
Yes, it sounds like the statement is lifted from a beauty contest question-and-answer portion but I can't find words more true than these. It was all I really wanted to do. As I started to work on this "difference", I began to see that I was not alone. The desire is shared by many and I began to gain courage. I dreamed bigger dreams for others simply because it was not an individual's dream anymore --- it was a shared dream and it made it more powerful than it ever was. I found myself not only comrades but friends. People who are in a mission too. And then I realized that "this" is not the kind of thing you "graduate" from or "move on" from. I don't judge those who give all their time to their careers or their families. Maybe, "that" is the difference they were meant to make. It is my hope that even if our paths our different, our destination is the same... a brighter and better world and future to leave behind for those who are next in line.
BTW, I'm sharing this too! :)
Our first meeting was around October of 2010 before Chelle was off to cover the local elections and Migs and I just came from school and other school-related tasks (I hope my memory serves me right, haha). It was in Jollibee Guadalupe and to prove that, I have the picture right here.
For the gift of great friends, thank you Father. AMDG! =)