This week has been a week of answered prayers.
A few days back, I was complaining to God about how I always end up organizing get-togethers when deep inside, I've always wanted people to organize bonding activities and then invite me. Not long after that complaint, a friend invited me to dinner and tonight, I went to watch a play with another friend.
We watched Les Miserables tonight. There were some problems with the sound system but these glitches were easily forgiven since I really enjoyed the play. I cried in some parts especially the finale song with Jean Valjean and Fantine.
However, my night just did not end there.
Some of the cast members went to fetch this woman from the audience and asked her to sit on a bench on the stage after the curtain call. She looked puzzled and amused as she sat there. While I am sure that she was not a stranger to the cast members, I did not really understood what she was doing there. A few moments later, her boyfriend went up the stage, showed the ring he was carrying, knelt on one knee and popped the big question.

February's knocking on my door and I am tempted to be bitter again. Haha. But maybe, I am passing on bitterness this year. Here's to gratitude, instead! Truly, truly grateful that God has given me the grace to wait. I am going to sit on this bench of singleness looking amazed and puzzled until the Director finally gives the cue and makes The One finally show up on stage. Padungog-dungog epeks to Father God. Toinks. :p
And with that, I thank my EPIC God for this EPIC experience. May God be praised! =)