Monday, November 29, 2010

seven years

Today, I celebrate my seventh year as a YFC. It has been seven years since my Youth Camp in Science High. Seven years since I started this journey with the Lord. Seven years of ups and downs. Seven years of mercy and grace. Seven years of love.

I got out of bed at past nine in the morning, ate breakfast and finished an invitation I was asked to put together. After lunch, I prepared for a talk which I will give to a group of fresh youth camp graduates for their covenant orientation. After my talk at Basak, I went to withdraw some money for my mom, bought discounted bread at SM French Baker, got home and prepared for my classes for the week.

As I try to end my day, I look back at today and see that nothing I've done is really out-of-this-world. It could have been just another Monday. I ended up asking myself the question, where has seven years taken me? I am not proud of the fact that I still sin and for a moment there, I think I have not really changed at all. But somewhere deep in my mind, a tiny voice is whispering that I should stop looking at my life as something that centers on me. Ako, ako.. lagi nalang ako, as a famous commercial would say. I think my self-centeredness is the cause of my depression... but that would be another issue. :)

If it's not about me, then who is it about anyway? Hehe, it is and always will be about God.

I changed the question. Where has God been through me in the past seven years? Ah.. I can't help but smile. The Lord has truly been gracious and merciful to me. He has done great things in my life... things I will never deserve. And for that, I am grateful. The Lord has been faithful despite my unfaithfulness to Him. Forgive me and thank You, Father.

Today is not like any other Monday. Today is the Lord's Monday with me remembering our seven-year journey since I consciously made the decision to walk with Him. It may not be about me but because it is about Him, He reminds me that He is all about His love for me. I am His daughter and His plans will always be FOR me and never against me even if I don't understand them. Life has never been the same and I guess... it shall never be.

For teaching me faithfulness by example, thank You, Rabboni.