The shot: The cover of the trilogy's first book.
The story: I've been reading many FB statuses about the Hunger Games. I did not pay much attention to it until a lot of people started comparing it to Twilight and Harry Potter. I'm not a Twilight fan. Never was and I guess, never will be. I hope they don't get me wrong though. It's not the book really... it's just me. Haha! What got my attention was when people started comparing it to HARRY POTTER! My reaction was 'AS IN?! Harry Potter level?'. Yes, you guessed it right. I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan!
So, to cut the long story short. I downloaded the audio book for the first one. I was a skeptic at first. I was sure I would not like it since I doubt any other fiction book could knock HP out of my favorite list (as if I have one, haha!) but to my surprise... I got hooked. When I say I got hooked, some might think it's the I-spend-my-every-free-time-reading-this-book kind of hooked but for those who know me and how 'obsessed' I can get, they know it's the I-spend-all-of-my-time-reading-this-book kind of hooked. Correction though, listening, not reading. I found myself listening to all three books such that I could judge my week as unproductive. You read it right, I finished all three books in less than a week and this was a school-year-end-week! Imagine this from a teacher's point of view. Haha! In my defense, I met all my deadlines. :p
I was itching to write a post about the book but I didn't really know what to say. Until now. Haha, so I'm letting the words flow as I type. The weird thing is, I cried after I read the book. The reason was not really the story itself but it's effect on me. No, I have not joined any reality contest where I'm tasked to kill all other contestants except the boy who claims he's madly in love with me. That's the thing, I guess. I can't put a finger on why it has affected me that much. I had to wrestle with my thoughts for a while and I think there is really no ONE reason. I was affected at how practical the main character is. If you've read the book, you'd know what I mean. She chose the one who she can't survive without. See that? Can't it not be the one who makes the world stop turning with a smile? Or the guy who makes living worth all the suffering? LOL! Okay, stop it Michelle! I've had practicality issues recently but that's for another post. My heart broke for Peeta because I know how it feels... Hehe, okay. The drama stops right here. :p
This post can go on and on and on but it won't. :) I just want to remember the time I read the Hunger Games that's why I wrote this. Maybe just to remind myself that though life can seemingly give you the 'best', you should never stop discovering the rest of the beauty that God has surrounded you with. Thus, the HP-HG metaphor. Hehe! Through this trilogy, I have reawakened my love for reading. It takes you to another world and another life. It shows you the choices you could have, should have or would have made. It reveals to you some parts of your heart and soul that has been 'damaged', 'worn-out' or just plain set aside by the safety of everyday routine and day-to-day heartbreaks and failures. When I figure out what sets this trilogy apart, I'm going to write another post. PROMISE. =)
For now, I just want to leave you with one of my favorite lines which is a boy-girl conversation. I will not spoil the ending for you just in case my post got you intrigued enough to read it for yourself. The boy is going to be... Voldemort. He who must not be named. Haha, so the dialogue goes like this:
Boy: You love me. Real or not real?
Girl: Real.
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