BTW, I am so in love with how the weather has been today. No rain and the breeze is ssssoooo cool. It made me want to go back to bed so many times but the pressure of deadlines kept me on my feet! Haha! Okay, back to the Basilica.
The Shot:
The Pilgrim Center Altar. I know the picture's a little blurry but being able to post it here is a miracle in itself. My phone kept complaining of 'low battery' and my camera won't work. I was contemplating on asking the woman in front of me with the qwerty camera phone to take a picture and then send it to me via bluetooth. I just wanted one picture. ONE.
Then again, I was in front of the Holy Child! So I whispered a request to Him too. Just one picture.. pleasssseee. And tada! Here it is.
The Story:
Since the start of the fiesta celebration, I have never gotten this close to the altar. I prayed for a while.. mostly for thanksgiving for the many blessings I have received and for that unexpected blessing He gave me last Saturday (yey!). I was all smiles. Reading through my entries in this blog last night made me realize that many if not most of them are depressing. If I were another person reading my own blog entries, I think I'm this pessimistic girl with a very sad life. Well, it's about time I set things straight. Haha, I am a very happy person. I am. Really. Haha, I just over-think, over-rationalize and over-react and over-act many times that I get carried away. This picture has reminded me today that we should all take time to sit at His feet. Sit at the foot of His cross and spend time with Him. It is far more 'recharging' than an entire day's sleep. Well, at least for me. You should try it.

And... another reason why I took this picture is so I can dedicate this day's entry to my number one reader, my bestfriend Maymay! Bestfriend, though you were not here to celebrate with us, I hope this picture reminds you that you are NEVER too far away.
You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. =)
Oh, by the way. I asked for one picture but guess what? I got three =) The other one has a whitish effect so it's not post-worthy but maybe I can post the other one. Haha! And this reminds me of my other bestfriend, Ryka, who always reminds me never to ask for small things from our great God. Viva Pit Señor!
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.-St. Thomas Aquinas
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