The shot:
Not that they are of the same level of significance to me, but this song is also perfect for my -- I mean, our pet dog. Ace. And yes, that's him over here ==>
The story:
I have a fear of dogs...a phobia I should say. It's so intense that even if the dog's just lying on the ground, I'd call someone to walk with me just to get past that scary creature that's getting in my way. A little more than a year ago, my brother persuaded my parents to adopt a puppy against my very own wishes. My brother wanted the dog so bad that I said yes as long as they kept it away from me. For the first few months, my life at home was filled with terror. That thing just kept running towards me when I arrived home from work, looking at me while I was eating and barking at me when I don't pay any attention to it.
Now, things have changed. Big time. You see, the bed in this picture happens to be mine. Haha! Even when he was just a few months old, I'd wake up screaming in the morning asking my brother why the dog was sleeping in my bed. This Ace-yot (as I fondly call him) has won my heart..after many months of getting into my bed in the middle of the night. :p I still wake up in the morning with him at the foot of my bed and FYI I am not afraid of touching him anymore! Yipee! And I enjoy hugging him, too! The only catch is that when I get home, somebody still has to hold him back. I don't think I can take his weight when he jumps at me so I let him calm down for a while before I let him come near me. He's so sweet and adorable to us. Let me repeat. To us. Haha, because this doggy bites. Two neighbors of ours got bitten already so b-e-w-a-r-e. Haha!
What's the point of my post? Well, maybe I just want to say that people do change... and though I am pretty much a rule-person, I make exceptions too. My excuse? Love. :)
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